Maverick Boris Johnson implies he would like to launch mutinous Rishi Sunak ‘into orbit’ after ride in fighter jet

BORIS Johnson took a vengeful swipe at Rishi Sunak today by implying he would like to launch his mutinous ex-Chancellor into space.

After roaring through the skies in a fighter jet, the maverick PM said: “I leave it to you to imagine who I would like at this stage to send into orbit.”

Maverick Boris Johnson implies he would like to launch mutinous Rishi Sunak ‘into orbit’ after ride in fighter jet
Maverick PM Boris Johnson filmed this video selfie from the cockpit of a Typhoon fighter

Maverick Boris Johnson implies he would like to launch mutinous Rishi Sunak ‘into orbit’ after ride in fighter jet
Maverick PM Boris Johnson filmed this video selfie from the cockpit of a Typhoon fighter jet at RAF Coningsby on Thursday after meeting the pilots and ground crew.

Mr Johnson has refused to endorse any of his wannabe successors but his allies have been ripping into Mr Sunak, fuelling speculation the PM secretly wants him to lose.

And last night Mr Sunak joined fellow candidates promising to freeze out Mr Johnson from any future Cabinet. 

Selfie footage emerged today of Mr Johnson’s ride in a Typhoon plane at RAF Coningsby last week.

As he zoomed high in the air alongside the flagship Voyager plane he uses to travel on overseas trips, the Top Gun-like PM gave a thumbs up.

Speaking at the Farnborough Air Show today, the PM likened his hurtling ride in a Typhoon to his turbulent time in No10.

He compared his Brexit battles and Covid handling to “barrel rolls” and “loop the loops” as he looked back on his “astonishing feats” after “three years in the cockpit”.

Mr Johnson said: “I am about to hand the controls over seamlessly to someone else – but whoever it is I can tell you the twin engines of this conservative government will roar on.”

The PM will step down on September 6 a day after his successor is announced.

Tonight he will face MPs for one of the last times as he defends himself from a motion of no confidence.

Labour is pushing to oust the PM immediately and hope to force him to resign tonight with the vote in Parliament.

But despite revolting against him last week, Tory MPs are expected to side with the PM while they choose a new leader.