Matt Hancock accused of promising a non-existent Covid plan, while Boris Johnson laughed at Italy's response

Matt Hancock accused of promising a non-existent Covid plan, while Boris Johnson laughed at Italy's response

Former Whitehall boss reveals Hancock's false claims

During the ongoing Covid inquiry, former Whitehall boss Helen MacNamara testified that Matt Hancock repeatedly assured Cabinet ministers that there was a comprehensive Covid masterplan. However, she stated that she never received any such plans and could not understand why they were never provided.

Claims of misinformation and poor preparation

MacNamara also criticized Hancock for his inaccurate statements regarding the country's level of preparedness for the pandemic. She stated that his claims "about how well prepared we were turned out to be wrong only weeks later." This adds to the growing criticism of Hancock's handling of the crisis.

Boris Johnson's "macho" response and sexist environment

In her testimony, MacNamara also highlighted Boris Johnson's dismissive attitude towards the virus in the early stages of the pandemic. She claimed that he was "laughing at the Italians" and that meetings had a casual and jovial tone. Additionally, she raised concerns about a "macho environment" in No10, stating that women were not given enough speaking time in important meetings.

Dominic Cummings' offensive language

Yesterday, it was revealed that Dominic Cummings, former chief advisor to Boris Johnson, had used offensive language in reference to MacNamara. In an email to the Prime Minister, Cummings referred to her using a derogatory term and expressed a desire to remove her from their discussions. Cummings later apologized for his language.

Matt Hancock accused of promising a non-existent Covid plan, while Boris Johnson laughed at Italy's response

Further tensions between Johnson and Cummings

In addition to the offensive language, text messages between Johnson and Cummings were revealed, showing a strained relationship. Johnson accused Cummings of engaging in a media campaign against his wife, while Cummings criticized the Prime Minister for presiding over a "narcissistic" atmosphere.

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