Major Reforms Ditched Ahead of Election, Leaving Millions Vulnerable

Major Reforms Ditched Ahead of Election, Leaving Millions Vulnerable

Rishi Sunak Abandons Key Promises

In a move that has sparked outrage, Rishi Sunak has abandoned long-promised reforms on rental and leasehold issues, leaving millions of Brits at risk.

Impact on Private Tenants and Homeowners

The abandonment of the promise to ban no-fault evictions puts around 12 million private tenants in a precarious position, while the decision to scrap the cap on ground rents affects approximately five million homeowners.

Political Fallout and Accusations

Labour has accused the government of giving in to the interests of landlord MPs, delaying and ultimately halting the passing of crucial legislation like the Renters Reform Bill.

Reforms Amidst Abandonment

While some reforms to home ownership managed to make it through the wash-up process, including a ban on new-build houses operating as leaseholds, key promises were left unfulfilled.

Major Reforms Ditched Ahead of Election, Leaving Millions Vulnerable

Looking Ahead to the Election

The decision to abandon these reforms has left many questioning the government's commitment to improving renting standards, security, and affordability for millions of Brits.