Loved-up Brits must be allowed to have weddings again from March 8, demand Tory MPs

LOVED-UP Brits must be allowed to have weddings again from March 8, Tory MPs are demanding.

They have written to Boris Johnson to urge him to play Cupid and let couples tie the knot next month.

Loved-up Brits must be allowed to have weddings again from March 8, demand Tory MPs
Loved-up Brits must be allowed to have weddings again from March 8, Tory MPs are demanding

All weddings have been banned in this lockdown apart from in exceptional circumstances – like deathbed nuptials.

Newlywed Tory MPs Esther McVey and Philip Davies joined the group of 13 backbenchers urging the PM to act.

Ms McVey, a former Cabinet minister, said: “Half a million unmarried couples keep having their plans ruined by lockdowns and restrictions.

“So Government has got to bring back Covid-secure weddings from March 8, when life begins to return to normal, given that the top four groups will have protection by then from the Covid vaccine.

“Once the NHS has vaccinated the top nine groups by the end of April, the Government should bring back normal weddings, celebrating with family and friends and treasuring the institution of marriage.”

She added: “That should be a huge moment for the UK to hold its head up high, for couples to walk down the aisle, and for families up and down the country to reunite, to celebrate and to plan their futures.”

She tied the knot with Mr Davies at a pared back ceremony in Westminster last year.

The group wants Covid secure weddings to be given the go-ahead on March 8, alongside the reopening of schools.

Traditional, big weddings should be allowed to make a comeback in May, they say.

Loved-up Brits must be allowed to have weddings again from March 8, demand Tory MPs
Newlywed Tory MP Esther McVey said: ‘Half a million unmarried couples keep having their plans ruined by lockdowns and restrictions’

Jessie Westwood, co-founder of What About Weddings, which represents the wedding industry, said bringing back nuptials will help lift the nation’s spirits.

She said: “With such great news about vaccinations – something the Government has led the world in – now is the time for a bit of hope and optimism.

“Hundreds of thousands of British couples are desperate to get their lives together back on track and to plan theirs and their families’ futures.”