LIZ Truss vows to cut local planning red tape to “unlock” home ownership for millions of generation renters.
The runaway favourite to be the next PM also slammed “Soviet” style Whitehall set housing targets, and wants to encourage developers to build affordable homes in tax incentive neighbourhoods.

Liz Truss has vowed to cut local planning red tape to ‘unlock’ home ownership for millions of generation renters

Ms Truss would allow renters to use proof of regular payments to landlords to help secure mortgages
And she will allow renters to use proof of regular payments to landlords to help secure mortgages.
Government stats show that over 50 per cent of renters could afford a mortgage but only 6 per cent are able to get a first-time buyer mortgage.
Ms Truss said: “People are getting older and older before they get their foot on the property ladder.
“It’s a problem not just for the Conservative party, but for the future of the country.
“As Prime Minister I would break down barriers and unlock the opportunity of homeownership for millions of hard-working renters across the nation.”
Reforming planning laws, she would hand powers back to local communities, to help build appropriate new homes.
She added: “As a former councillor I remember those painful hours sitting through planning committees.
“I’ll put power back in local councillors hands who know far better than Whitehall what their communities want.”
Cllr Andy Baggot, Leader of Conservative run Basildon Council which had to abandon a new homes plan said: “These top-down, Whitehall dictated housing targets are deeply unpopular, not just with Conservative Councillors but also the residents we represent.
“To abolish these, as Liz Truss proposes, would be a radical, vote winning reform to take us into next year’s local elections – and then the General Election after that.”

Ms Truss said ‘As Prime Minister I would break down barriers and unlock the opportunity of homeownership for millions of hard-working renters across the nation’