Liberal Democrats Plan to Rejoin EU and Open Borders

Liberal Democrats Plan to Rejoin EU and Open Borders

Details of the Plan

Sir Ed Davey, leader of the Liberal Democrats, unveiled plans to rejoin the European Union and open borders as part of the party's manifesto. The plan includes signing up to the single market, paving the way for closer ties with Brussels.

Key Points of the Manifesto

The 116-page manifesto outlines the party's desire to establish a more formal and stable relationship with the EU. Joining the Single Market, which allows for the free movement of goods, capital, and people, is seen as a step towards rejoining the EU.

Sir Ed Davey's Campaign Stunts

Sir Ed Davey made headlines by taking his campaign to Thorpe Park, where he rode rollercoasters like Rush and Colossus. This follows other attention-grabbing stunts such as paddle-boarding and watersliding.

Opposition's Response

Tory Cabinet Minister Steve Barclay criticized the plan, calling it a ploy to sneak the UK back into the EU. He also warned that giving foreign nationals the right to vote could have far-reaching consequences.

Liberal Democrats Plan to Rejoin EU and Open Borders

Labour's stance on the issue was also highlighted, with concerns raised about the party's intentions to align closely with Brussels.

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