Lib Dem leader Ed Davey joins The Sun’s Jabs Army as a volunteer to help roll out the Covid vaccine

LIB DEM leader Ed Davey has signed up to become a Sun Jabs Army volunteer – and urged others to roll their sleeves up too. 

The party boss said getting the vaccine out at lightning speed  can be a “moment of national pride” which can pull the country together.

Lib Dem leader Ed Davey joins The Sun’s Jabs Army as a volunteer to help roll out the Covid vaccine
Sir Ed Davey has signed up to be a Sun Jabs Army volunteer
Lib Dem leader Ed Davey joins The Sun’s Jabs Army as a volunteer to help roll out the Covid vaccine
Some of Britain’s biggest firms have joined Trending In The News’s Jabs Army drive to get Britain vaccinated

He has joined over 22,000 Sun readers who have signed up to lend a hand as stewards at Britain’s new network of vaccination centres.

The 55 year-old said: “I’m really proud to have signed up to be an NHS Volunteer Responder and I am looking forward to supporting a magnificent effort to beat this virus. 

“British science and British scientists have played an incredible role in fighting Covid-19 globally and it would be a real moment of national pride to get these vaccines rolled out effectively and quickly.  

“What is so good about the Volunteer Responder scheme is that it also helps vulnerable people feel supported at a really difficult time. 

“We must all pull together and I’m happy to pitch in and do whatever I can. 

“Well done to everyone who has joined the Jab Army and volunteered. I look forward to joining you.”

Boris Johnson put Britain’s battle against the pandemic on a war footing last night as he called in the military to help.

He vowed to jab at least 200,000 Brits a day by next Friday to hit his target of inoculating 13.5m by the middle of February.

So far, 1.5m people have got a dose.

The PM admitted his target is “ambitious” and that “lumpiness and bumpiness” in the early roll out has meant delays to getting vaccines out to some medical centres.

But he vowed to “throw everything” at the national effort to get the jabs into millions of arms.

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