Larry the Cat Visits Vets Over Arthritis

Larry the Cat Visits Vets Over Arthritis

Concerns for Larry the Cat

Concerns are growing for Larry the Cat as he battles with arthritis, Trending In The News can reveal. No10’s much-loved chief mouser visited the vets this week over his stiff joints. But sources insist the senior moggy is doing OK.

New Cats in Downing Street

Sir Keir Starmer and his wife Victoria have moved their cat JoJo in. JoJo has also moved into the street but is being kept in the family flat to get used to his new home. The new Prime Minister could face his first major diplomatic test when the two moggies meet.

Larry the Downing Street Cat

No-nonsense Larry likes to chase off his rivals – including other cats and even foxes. The stray tabby is 17 years old – around 84 in cat years. He was adopted from Battersea in February 2011, originally intended to be a pet for David Cameron’s young children. But the moggy stayed on after Mr Cameron quit in 2016. Sir Keir Starmer is the sixth Prime Minister he has lived with. No10 declined to comment on Larry’s health.