LAGS are being treated to yoga classes at a cost of thousands to the taxpayer.
Prison governors splashed out on a course for their head of PE, plus yoga mats for inmates to be given lessons.

Lags have been treated to yoga classes at the cost of thousands to the taxpayer
Ministry of Justice accounts show £1,500 went on the online training provided by a teacher who is said to offer “the highest standard of foundational yoga content”.
The course also promised a “deeper exploration into your personal layers”.
And nearly £1,000 went on mats from Yogamatters, which sells items from meditation cushions to scented candles.
John O’Connell, of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “Prisons cannot be a cost-effective deterrent if they offer an easy ride to inmates, with expensive luxuries like yoga.”
The Ministry of Justice said the course would help the PE chief teach yoga to jail staff, who could give lessons to lags.
It added that spending on prisoner activities must be approved.
The Prison Service said: “Keeping prisoners active helps rehabilitate offenders, reducing prison violence and cutting crime.”