Labour Warned to Bring Back Free Movement to Renegotiate Brexit Deal, Says Michel Barnier

Labour Warned to Bring Back Free Movement to Renegotiate Brexit Deal, Says Michel Barnier

Michel Barnier's Warning

Former top EU official Michel Barnier cautioned that Labour would need to reinstate free movement if it aimed to renegotiate the Brexit deal.

PM Criticizes Sir Keir Starmer

The PM criticized Sir Keir Starmer for allegedly never believing in a sovereign Britain, amidst discussions about Brexit renegotiations.

Rishi Sunak's Remarks

Rishi Sunak, speaking to Trending In The News, suggested that under a Labour government, the outcome of the 2016 referendum would be reversed, pointing out Starmer's historical opposition to Brexit.

Barnier's Stance on Brexit Deal

Despite Labour's intentions to build closer ties with Brussels without rejoining the single market or customs union, Barnier emphasized that the EU would not compromise on its red lines.

Labour Warned to Bring Back Free Movement to Renegotiate Brexit Deal, Says Michel Barnier

PM's Pro-Brexit Stance

On the eighth anniversary of the EU referendum, the PM reiterated his support for Brexit, citing his belief in Britain's independence and expressing concerns about a potential reversal under Keir Starmer's leadership.