Labour targets ‘grey wall’ in election campaign

Labour targets ‘grey wall’ in election campaign

Labour aims to win over pensioners after budget backlash

Labour is launching a new campaign to target the "grey wall" of pensioners following a backlash over the recent budget. Activists from the party are making efforts to appeal to the elderly demographic, which they believe plays a crucial role in winning the upcoming General Election.

Pensioners hit hard in Chancellor's budget

Pensioners were among those most affected by the recent budget, with experts estimating that they could lose an average of £1,000 each. Labour has highlighted concerns over the Tories' plan to potentially increase income tax if National Insurance is scrapped in the future.

Labour calls for election amid economic chaos fears

Darren Jones MP, Labour’s Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, expressed worries about the economic uncertainty caused by the budget. He emphasized the need for pensioners to be protected from further financial risks and called for an election to be held.

Government denies plans to raise income tax

In response, government sources have refuted claims of any intentions to raise income tax. A Treasury spokesperson stated that the focus is on lowering taxes and ending the practice of taxing work twice. They highlighted ongoing support for pensioners through measures like the triple lock system.

Labour targets ‘grey wall’ in election campaign

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