Labour commits to upholding ban on care workers bringing family to Britain, Streeting confirms

Labour commits to upholding ban on care workers bringing family to Britain, Streeting confirms

Labour's Stance on Ban

Labour has pledged to maintain the Conservative government's ban on care workers bringing their families to Britain as part of efforts to reduce the country's dependency on migrant workers, according to Shadow Health Secretary Wes Streeting.

Reducing Reliance on Overseas Medics

Streeting emphasized the need for more locally-trained NHS staff, stating, "We’ve got to bring down net migration" and acknowledging the challenge of transitioning away from foreign medical professionals.

Ban on Recruiting from Poorest Countries

Additionally, Streeting proposed a complete ban on recruiting healthcare workers from countries facing severe medical crises, aiming to address the ethical concerns surrounding this practice.

Government's Previous Actions

Earlier this year, the government implemented measures to restrict overseas care workers from bringing their dependents to the UK in a move to reduce net migration by a significant margin.

Labour's Approach

When questioned about potentially reversing the ban, Streeting indicated that there were no plans to alter the existing rules, highlighting the collaboration between himself and shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper in efforts to decrease net migration.

Focus on Training British Talent

Streeting emphasized the importance of training and nurturing local talent for medical roles within the NHS, aiming to lessen the reliance on international students and workers in the healthcare system.

Avoiding Recruitment from Red List Countries

Expressing his stance on ethical recruitment practices, Streeting called for a prohibition on hiring healthcare workers from countries on the "red list" with limited medical resources, citing moral and ethical reasons for this stance.

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