John Bercow BANNED from Parliament for life for being a ‘serial bully and liar’

FORMER Commons Speaker John Bercow has been branded a serial bully and liar while being banned from Parliament for life.

The former Tory MP will never again hold a pass to the building in Westminster after 21 damning allegations against him were upheld.

John Bercow BANNED from Parliament for life for being a ‘serial bully and liar’
Ex Commons Speaker John Bercow has been branded a serial bully and liar while being banned from Parliament for life
John Bercow BANNED from Parliament for life for being a ‘serial bully and liar’
Bercow will never again hold a pass to the building in Westminster after 21 damning allegations against him were upheld

Years of aggressive behaviour — ignored by diehard Remainers so he could try to stop Brexit — have finally been revealed in full.

An Independent Expert Panel agreed with the scathing findings of Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards Kathryn Stone.

She had said Bercow, 59, was guilty of bullying and harassment of several senior staff during his ten-year term of office from 2009.

The allegations were presented in more than 1,850 pages of evidence from notes, conversations, diaries and other records.

Bercow also “chose to imitate the complainant’s voice and words on at least 20 occasions” during his interviews for the investigation, the report also stated.

Accusations against him included abusive language, which involved him shouting and calling staff “f****** stupid” and “f****** useless”.

Victims claimed Bercow flew into an uncontrolled rage during lengthy rants at staff.

He was found to have been intimidating, humiliating and threatening.

Bercow had yelled and mocked staff while he created a hostile environment for those he worked with.

One person described him as losing his temper spectacularly “like Jekyll and Hyde, his face being red as spittle came from his mouth”.

Another complainant claimed he was “physically shaking with fury, his fists bunched and trembling, his eyes popping as he accused the complainant for over 15 minutes”.

A third victim said: “He threw the mobile right in front of me on my desk. It burst into hundreds of bits and I could feel them hitting me.

“It was the most extraordinary display of temper.”

Commons officials said a plaque honouring Bercow in the gym would be taken down.

It was claimed his behaviour risked bringing the office of the Commons speaker into disrepute and amounted to abuse of power.

Bercow last year joined the Labour party but yesterday he was suspended pending an investigation.

Tory MPs called for him to lose his taxpayer-funded pension.

The report added that if Bercow was still an MP it would have recommended he was expelled.

Yet last night he dismissed the claims as “tittle tattle” and described the probe as amateurish and like a kangaroo court.

Bercow tried to say that people who disliked him had got together to make up the allegations.

Tory MP Michael Fabricant called for a debate on how Bercow’s bullying could have lasted so long.

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