Joe Biden branded ‘senile’ by Tory MP who tells US to ‘remember who their allies are’ & back UK in sausage war with EU

JOE Biden has been urged to back Britain in the sausage wars with the EU by one Tory MP who said the US should “remember who their allies are”.

The American President was branded “senile” by the Brexiteer parliamentarian in an extraordinary personal attack on the eve of the G7 summit.

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Joe Biden branded ‘senile’ by Tory MP who tells US to ‘remember who their allies are’ & back UK in sausage war with EU
US President Joe Biden has given the UK a dressing down over Northern Ireland

And furious DUP leader Edwin Poots accused him of trying to “drive a coach and horses” through the peace process by siding with Brussels.

The pair reacted furiously after it emerged the White House issued an unprecedented dressing down to No 10 over the Northern Ireland crisis.

Its ambassador to London accused the UK of “inflaming tensions” with its approach in a fiery clash with Brexit minister Lord Frost.

Washington even “strongly urged” Boris Johnson to accept “unpopular compromises” such as aligning with EU food safety rules.

Responding to the revelations, one Tory MP told Politico: “America should remember who their allies are.”

Asked what the PM’s message to Mr Biden should be, they added: “Unfortunately he’s so senile he probably won’t remember what we tell him anyway.

“Unless an aide is listening I’m not sure he’s going to remember for very long.”

Joe Biden branded ‘senile’ by Tory MP who tells US to ‘remember who their allies are’ & back UK in sausage war with EU
DUP leader Edwin Poots accused said it would be ‘outrageous’ for the US to side with the EU

Yesterday senior eurocrats threatened to start a trade war with Britain if we refuse to impose their sausage blockade on Northern Ireland.

They are gearing up to launch legal action which could end with tariffs and quotas being slapped on UK goods.

Brussels red tape states that chilled meats like sausages and burgers can’t be imported into the bloc.

Those rules are set to apply to Northern Ireland because it stayed in the Single Market as part of the Brexit deal.

The two sides agreed a six-month grace period to allow time to find a permanent solution, which runs out at the end of this month.

Mr Poots said a banger ban would hit the poorest Northern Irish families hardest and accused the EU of “threatening” the peace.

He fumed: “If the EU are going to be serious, they’re going to say we do not want to hurt the people of Northern Ireland.

“It’s obscene, it’s unreal that the EU is proposing this course. The impact is absolutely devastating.

“The EU is hurting the people of Northern Ireland, damaging the people who have the lowest incomes and they really need to reconsider this position.

“They’re damaging the peace process. They have taken little account for the East-West relationship. The EU really needs to reflect on this.”

Joe Biden branded ‘senile’ by Tory MP who tells US to ‘remember who their allies are’ & back UK in sausage war with EU
EU boss Ursula von der Leyen tried to cool tensions today

Asked for his thoughts on President Biden siding with the EU, he added: “It would be absolutely outrageous.

“It’s one thing signing up to the deal under pressure, that Boris Johnson previously signed up to. However he now knows the problem.

“America may be ignoring the problems, American may be prepared to drive a coach and horses through the Good Friday Agreement.

“How are they upholding it by creating a border between Northern Ireland and Great Britain?

“There is no constitutional authority there’s been no referendum to do this. This is effectively a constitutional change.

“Would president Biden allow Alaska, which is separate and distinct from the rest of the land block of the USA, but still part of the USA, to be taking laws from Canada, and have its laws applied from Canada?’

“I don’t think so and I don’t think he should ask to impose those things on the UK that he wouldn’t accept for the US.”

This morning EU chief Ursula von der Leyen tried to cool the threat of a trade war by promising to show more “flexibility” on the sea border.

The Commission boss said she’s “deeply convinced” a fix can be found but it will require the UK to start properly implementing checks.

But a deal could be endangered by the increasing involvement of hardline Member States “expressing more and more worries” about a lack of controls.