Threat on British Soil
The government's counter-extremism tsar, Robin Simcox, has issued a warning that Iran has the means to incite violence and spread extremism on British streets. As the sponsor of Gaza-based terrorists, Iran poses a serious threat to the UK, capable of both inspiring attacks and promoting radical ideologies.
Support for Hamas
In his speech at the Royal United Services Institute, Simcox will criticize UK figures who have praised and excused the actions of Hamas, fueling its ideology. He will emphasize that the support for Hamas does not carry the same stigma as support for other terrorist groups and that attacks on Israel are sometimes celebrated rather than condemned.
Confronting Reality
Simcox, as the Home Office's adviser on tackling extremism, is calling on politicians to confront the reality of the risks posed by home-based extremism following recent anti-Israel protests. He will highlight the need to address the issue and not shy away from the challenges it presents.
Imposing a Blasphemy Code
In addition to addressing Islamist ideology, Simcox will raise concerns about attempts to impose a de facto blasphemy code that limits criticism of religious prophets. This alarm is being sounded to ensure that freedom of speech is protected and not compromised by such restrictions.
Extreme Right and Left
Simcox will also touch upon the ongoing challenges posed by extreme right and left-wing ideologies in the UK. It is important to address and monitor these threats in order to maintain peace and security within the country.
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