Indoor mixing joy as Rule of 6 WILL finally be ditched when lockdown restrictions ease on July 19

LIMITS on indoor mixing WILL finally be scrapped on July 19, Trending In The News can reveal.

Boris Johnson plans to defy doomster scientists and rip up the hated Rule of Six so Brits can raise a toast to Freedom Day with dozens of friends and family. 

Indoor mixing joy as Rule of 6 WILL finally be ditched when lockdown restrictions ease on July 19
Boris Johnson plans to defy doomster scientists and rip up the hated Rule of Six

Draconian lockdown measures currently ban more than six people or two households gathering inside – which is proving a nightmare for people trying to meet in the recent cold snap.

Axing the cap on indoor mixing as per Step 4 of the roadmap has been thrown into doubt by scientists agitating for some curbs to stay.

But senior government sources confirmed the PM is dead-set on giving Brits the much-needed boost on July 19, while breathing life back into hard-hit pubs and restaurants.

It also trumps the offer from Nicola Sturgeon who yesterday said some restraints on indoor mixing will be kept for Scots after July 19.

Ministers are still weighing up whether to keep or ditch masks after Freedom Day.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock last week told MPs that regulations requiring face coverings on public transport will expire at midnight on July 18.

Yet Trending In The News understands the hotly-anticipated decision is still a live discussion in Whitehall. 

Indoor mixing joy as Rule of 6 WILL finally be ditched when lockdown restrictions ease on July 19
Almost 60 per cent of adults have been double-jabbed
Indoor mixing joy as Rule of 6 WILL finally be ditched when lockdown restrictions ease on July 19


In key Covid developments:

  • No10 is exempting UEFA execs jetting in for the Euros final from quarantine
  • A Minister hinted more countries will be added to the travel green list tomorrow 
  • Downing Street said scientists were closely monitoring the emerging Delta Plus variant
  • The PM’s spokesperson said sports days can go ahead amid confusion

On Monday Mr Johnson is set to rule out using a two-week breakpoint to unlock early on July 5 – instead urging people to sit tight for another three weeks while more people get jabbed. 

Almost 60 per cent of adults have been double-jabbed, while 80 per cent have had their first dose.

Vaccines Minister Nadhim Zahawi will tonight use a Downing Street press conference to rally remaining Brits to book their slots and give the PM the best chance of sticking with his July 19 “terminus date”.

Although Step 4 of the roadmap bins all legal restrictions on social contact ministers are still load-testing large crowds at mass events like the Euros finals at Wembley, where 60,000 fans will pack the stands.

The PM’s official spokesperson said today the pilots are “useful in demonstrating how things like vaccine records help play a part in enabling us to hold mass events.”

“We will set out the results of that work ahead of any decision on Step 4.”