Illegal Immigration Blitz Targets Car Washes & Nail Bars

Illegal Immigration Blitz Targets Car Washes & Nail Bars

Home Secretary Launches Summer Raids

The Home Office is cracking down on illegal immigration with a summer blitz targeting workers in dodgy car washes and nail bars. Home Secretary Yvette Cooper is deploying a team of over 1,000 staff to ramp up operations and keep tabs on failed asylum seekers.

Crackdown on Criminal Gangs

The raids will target migrants from countries like Vietnam, the largest group crossing the Channel illegally. The focus is on fast-tracking decisions to deport failed asylum seekers back to their home countries quickly. Cooper aims to smash criminal gangs profiteering from the cruel trade of illegal immigration.

Intensified Operations

Immigration Enforcement will focus on businesses known to use illegal immigrants, such as car washes and nail bars. Cooper emphasizes the need for a properly controlled asylum system while swiftly removing those who have no right to be in the country.

New Labour Government's Challenge

Tackling the small boats crisis and illegal immigration is a top priority for the new Labour government. Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer vows to lead an international crackdown and explore new returns deals with other countries.

Controversial Plans Ahead

Despite criticism, the Home Secretary will soon unveil plans to allow 90,000 illegal immigrants to claim asylum, with an estimated 60,000 expected to be granted asylum. The Conservatives have labeled the plan an "amnesty."

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