‘Hypocrite’ nursing union boss demands new talks to secure double-digit pay rise

A NURSING union boss was accused of hypocrisy for demanding new talks to secure a double-digit pay rise.

Pat Cullen’s call to get back round the table comes after she told members to back a proposed deal.

‘Hypocrite’ nursing union boss demands new talks to secure double-digit pay rise
Royal College of Nursing boss Pat Cullen has been accused of hypocrisy for demanding new talks to secure a double-digit pay rise

The five per cent salary increase was rejected and the Royal College of Nursing is starting a new ballot next week.

Cabinet minister Grant Shapps told Sky News: “I find this a very curious story indeed because Pat Cullen just recently was encouraging her members to settle for the pay rise that was put on the table.

“I thought this was a great settlement.

“It’s frankly rather confusing.

“Having encouraged her members to accept that deal, she seems to now be coming back and saying the opposite.”

Further strikes could stretch until the end of the year, causing more waiting list misery.

She said that any proposed pay rise needed to “start off in double digits”.

The RCN had originally demanded a 19 per cent rise before recommending five per cent and a one-off payment worth at least £1,655.

Meanwhile, the National Education Union and National Association of Head Teachers will open new ballots for strike action after both rejecting recent pay offers.

Education unions have already said they would co-ordinate strike action in the autumn term.

The Department for Education said: “It is bitterly disappointing that unions continue to pursue strike action, despite having already cost children almost a week in school.”