Home Secretary Priti Patel blasted in bullying probe and senior officials slammed for ‘lack of leadership’

A BULLYING probe into Priti Patel found the Home Secretary “unintentionally” broke the ministerial code – but also blasts senior officials at her department for a lack of leadership, Trending In The News understands.

A row exploded in February when the top official at the Home Office dramatically resigned and accused Ms Patel of mistreating civil servants by shouting and swearing. Claims she always denied.

Home Secretary Priti Patel blasted in bullying probe and senior officials slammed for ‘lack of leadership’
Home Secretary Priti Patel
Home Secretary Priti Patel blasted in bullying probe and senior officials slammed for ‘lack of leadership’
Ms Patel had been accused of bullying staff at the Home Office

Sir Philip Rutnam’s departure sparked an investigation by top Whitehall enforcer Sir Alex Allan who advises the PM on Cabinet bad behaviour.

It has run for months, but will finally be published within days.

Trending In The News understands it has concluded that while some of Ms Patel’s behaviour could be seen as bullying, no feedback was given to her at the time.

Home Secretary Priti Patel blasted in bullying probe and senior officials slammed for ‘lack of leadership’
Former Permenant Secretary Sir Philip Rutnam quit the Home Office

And insiders say it will reveal she was unaware of any concerns due to a lack of leadership from senior mandarins – meaning any complaints were not able to be addressed at the time.

It is understood that the report finds there has been a dramatic improvement in relations between the Home Secretary and her officials in recent months after a change of guard in the department.

Last night the Labour Party demanded the whole report be published “immediately”.

Shadow Home Secretary Nick Thomas Symonds warned:“These revelations could not be more serious.”

He added: “This has all the hallmarks of a cover up from the Prime Minister and raises fundamental questions about his judgement. 

“His actions are all but condoning bullying in the workplace. In any other area of life this would not be acceptable. Yet again, it seems to be one rule for them and another for everyone else.

“The report needs to be published in full immediately and both the Prime Minister and Home Secretary must come before Parliament to answer questions on this mess.”