Home Office set to shake up UK anti-terror strategy Prevent

THE Home Office is set to shake up Britain’s anti-terrorism strategy Prevent to better monitor would-be radicals.

William Shawcross, 74 the former Chair of the Charity Commission who wrote a report into Libyan sponsored IRA terrorism for the Foreign office in 2019, will take over as the independent reviewer of strategy.

Home Office set to shake up UK anti-terror strategy Prevent
Prevent tries to de-radicalise people flagged as potential terrorists
Home Office set to shake up UK anti-terror strategy Prevent
William Shawcross will lead the independent review

He will be charged with shaking up the anti-radicalism scheme to better protect Brits.

The independent review will consider their tactics and delivery of the Prevent programme, and will make recommendations for the future.

Minister for Counter Extremism, Baroness Susan Williams said: “Prevent plays an essential role in stopping vulnerable people being drawn into terrorism and I am grateful to those who work tirelessly, including throughout the pandemic, to turn lives around and keep our communities safe.

“It is important that this vital programme continues to improve and I look forward to seeing Mr Shawcross’ recommendations in due course.”

Mr Shawcross said: “I am delighted to lead this important review to ensure that Britain has the most effective strategy possible for preventing people from becoming terrorists.

“As Independent Reviewer, I look forward to assessing how Prevent works, what impact it has, and what further can be done to safeguard individuals from all forms of terrorist influence.

“I look forward to hearing from a wide range of voices, particularly those who have had experience of Prevent in practice.

“I intend to lead a robust and evidence-based examination of the programme, to help ensure that Britain has a clear and effective strategy to protect vulnerable people from being drawn into terrorism.”

In January 2019 ministers announced the creation of the Independent Review of Prevent as part of the Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act.

In last years stats there were 6,287 referrals to Prevent – an an increase of 10 per cent compared to the previous year.

It emerged that last year 1,487 (24 per cent) were referred to Prevent over concerns related to Islamist radicalisation and 1,387 (22 per cent) were referred with links to the far right.