Holiday blow as France could go on red list as Boris warns we ‘can’t rule out’ tougher measures

BRITAIN’S holidays abroad got another blow this afternoon after the PM warned “we can’t rule out” tougher measures at Britain’s borders.

oris Johnson said that on April 5 he will reveal more details of what experts will recommend for after lockdown is lifted.

Holiday blow as France could go on red list as Boris warns we ‘can’t rule out’ tougher measures
Boris Johnson warned last night France may face tougher measures over concerns about variants and rising cases
Holidays will specifically be outlawed with new laws coming in on Monday
Holidays will specifically be outlawed with new laws coming in on Monday

But he warned again: “as we said its looking difficult on the continent”.

Parts of France have had to go into another lockdown and across Europe cases are rising in many countries.

The PM told MPs today as he appeared in front of top chiefs for a grilling: “I’m afraid we cant rule out tougher measures and we will put them in if necessary”.

Experts and ministers are concerned about France, where up to 40 per cent of cases are said to be worrying variants like the South African strain, which Britain has been battling to keep out.

And the PM said putting France on the travel “red list” was “something that we will have to look at”, as well as testing hauliers coming in transporting goods.

The PM admitted: “If it’s necessary to bring in testing then we will do so, but I think you should understand the balance of doing that, the disruption to trade, and the risk that we are trying to address.”

In response to questioning from Labour’s Yvette Cooper he said: “We will take a decision, no matter how tough, to interrupt that trade, to interrupt those flows, if we think that it is necessary to protect public health and to stop new variants coming in.

“It may be that we have to do that very soon.”

It came as:

  • Earlier this week ministers revealed that people in England and Wales will face fines of up to £5,000 for travelling without a valid reason
  • The PM also warned today that pubs may be allowed to BAN customers who haven’t had the Covid jab in future

But he warned today that “putting France on the red list” would have “consequences” for UK supplies.

Anyone coming back from countries which are on the “red list” has to quarantine for 10 days and stay in a quarantine hotel at the moment.

But that list can be expanded at any time, ministers have warned.

There are huge fines for failing to quarantine or take tests.

The PM said today on the prospect of a foreign break this summer: “Whatever I do I will be making sure to tell the public what is safe and sensible.”

Jonathan Van-Tam is reported to have told MPs that 68 per cent of French arrivals — mostly lorry drivers – do not have to self-isolate, which may be driving infections.

Cases in France are going up again

Holiday blow as France could go on red list as Boris warns we ‘can’t rule out’ tougher measures
The French government has had to impose lockdowns in parts of the country again after a surge in cases
Anyone leaving the country from today must have a travel declaration form
Anyone leaving the country must have a travel declaration form

People already face £200 fines for not filling out the correct paperwork too.

The new laws will come in on Monday – though travel is already illegal in the current lockdown.

Brits won’t be allowed to go abroad until May 17 under Boris’ roadmap, but ministers have yet to make any final decisions.

Holiday blow as France could go on red list as Boris warns we ‘can’t rule out’ tougher measures