Heartbreak in Parliament as tear-jerking MPs pay touching tribute to tragic Arthur Labinjo-Hughes

WESTMINSTER today paused to mourn Arthur Labinjo-Hughes’ tragic murder – as moved MPs vowed to stop such horror happening again.

In a sombre session in Parliament, MPs from all sides came together to remember the six-year-old lad whose awful killing has shocked the nation.

Heartbreak in Parliament as tear-jerking MPs pay touching tribute to tragic Arthur Labinjo-Hughes
MPs paid tribute to poor Arthur Labinjo-Hughes
Heartbreak in Parliament as tear-jerking MPs pay touching tribute to tragic Arthur Labinjo-Hughes

Solemn Nadhim Zahawi promised to “leave no stone unturned” as he officially announced a national review to root out failings.

The Education Secretary said: “No government can legislate for evil, but we will take action wherever we can to stop it happening again. We must do more.”

His Labour opposite number Bridgette Philipson warned that “vulnerable children are being failed – and that can’t go on”.

Arthur’s Solihull MP Julian Knight was fought back tears as he repeated the soul-wrenching words of they desperate boy in the weeks before his death.

Choking on his words, the senior Tory said: “No-one loves me. No-one is going to feed me. Those were the words that broke the hearts of my town and it seems our country as well.

“A young lad who never had a chance. He experienced unimaginable brutality in his short life.”

Mr Knight has written to Attorney General Suella Braverman to review the “lenient” sentences handed down to Arthur’s monstrous step-mum and dad.

Murderer Emma Tustin, 32, was jailed for life with a minimum of 29 years, while Thomas Hughes will serve two-thirds of his 21-year sentence for manslaughter.

Together they inflicted horrendous pain on young Arthur by beating the defenceless lad and poisoning him with salt.

Downing St today committed to reforming the law so those who pre-meditate a child’s murder face the whole life tariff reserved the very worst criminals.

Wayne Couzens was this year told he’ll die in jail for the kidnap, rape and murder of Sarah Everard.

And harsher sentences for the sick pair who killed Arthur was supported across the Commons this afternoon as emotional MPs demanded justice.

Tory MP Saqib Bhatti said: “Many times over the last few days I’ve thought they should lock them up and throw away the key.”

Conservative colleague Simon Hoare described the case as “bone chilling” and called for a “crusade” on par with the campaign against female violence.

Julian Knight paid touching tribute