Hate Preachers Face UK Ban in New Crackdown

Hate Preachers Face UK Ban in New Crackdown

Rishi Sunak Cracks Down on Extremist Threat

Rishi Sunak is set to launch a crackdown on hate preachers entering the UK, amid rising concerns of Islamist extremists from countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Indonesia targeting the nation.

Government Takes Firm Action

The government is drawing up a list of dangerous extremists who will be blocked from entering the UK, as part of efforts to prevent the spread of violence and division on British streets.

PM Warns of Extremists "Spreading Poison"

Prime Minister Boris Johnson recently delivered a speech outside No10, highlighting the threat of extremists and emphasizing the need to protect the country's democracy and its people.

New Measures to Safeguard UK

Border Force will have the authority to prevent individuals deemed "non-conducive to the public good" from entering the UK, with a focus on national security risks and potential hate preachers.

Challenges in Defining Extremism

Efforts to come up with a legal definition of extremism have faced challenges, with concerns that the definition may be too broad and inadvertently include groups like the SNP.

Michael Gove is leading the initiative to broaden the definition of extremism to include those who vilify Britain, as part of ongoing efforts to combat hate preachers and extremist ideologies.