Government stands by plans to slash Army by 10,000 soldiers despite ongoing Ukraine war

PLANS to slash the Army by 10,000 soldiers will be confirmed in a forces update this week.

The Defence Command Paper, to be presented to MPs in coming days, will not backtrack — despite a review in light of Ukraine.

Government stands by plans to slash Army by 10,000 soldiers despite ongoing Ukraine war
The reduction to fully trained soldiers is opposed outgoing Defence Secretary Ben Wallace

A reduction to 72,500 fully trained soldiers was unveiled in 2021 but opposed by outgoing Defence Secretary Ben Wallace.

Defence sources say without additional funding, extra troops would be at risk of fighting with poor kit and weapons.

Instead, the review will focus on lessons learnt in Ukraine — including how Russia was hampered because of ill-equipped troops and poor use of intelligence and electronic warfare.

Whitehall insiders say additional funding requests to reverse troop cuts failed to move the Chancellor and PM.

Yesterday, Wallace announced he would be quitting as Defence Secretary.

But Tory MPs fear Rishi Sunak will install an ultra-loyalist such as Treasury Minister John Glen to replace him.

Defence Minister Andrew Murrison told Times Radio the UK would continue to back Ukraine after Mr Wallace left.

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