Government bid to challenge release of double child killer Colin Pitchfork

JUSTICE Secretary Robert Buckland is poised to tell the Parole Board to rethink its decision to free double child murderer Colin Pitchfork, Trending In The News can reveal.

Government lawyers say there is an “arguable case” that it is “irrational” to release the fiend, who raped and killed two girls of 15 in 1988.

Government bid to challenge release of double child killer Colin Pitchfork
Justice Secretary Robert Buckland is poised to tell the Parole Board to rethink its decision to free double child murderer Colin Pitchfork
Government bid to challenge release of double child killer Colin Pitchfork
Dawn Ashworth was raped and murdered by Pitchfork in the 80s

Government bid to challenge release of double child killer Colin Pitchfork
Lynda Mann was also one of his victims

Sources say Mr Buckland may act on their advice this weekend.

Pitchfork — the first person to be convicted using DNA evidence — was jailed for life over the deaths in Leicestershire of Lynda Mann in 1983 and Dawn Ashworth in 1986.

Dawn’s mum Barbara, 75, has backed Mr Buckland’s attempts to keep the “psychopath in prison where he belongs”.

Lynda’s mum Kath said Pitchfork should be “locked up forever”.

Baker Pitchfork was denied parole in 2018.

The matter was reconsidered in March this year and, on June 7, the Parole Board ruled him suitable for release.

Government bid to challenge release of double child killer Colin Pitchfork
Government lawyers say there is an ‘arguable case’ that it is ‘irrational’ to release the fiend

The Ministry of Justice had three weeks to challenge the decision, which expires on Monday.

Sources believe it may follow lawyers’ advice

A spokesman for Mr Buckland last night declined to comment.