Gambling Crackdown Sparks Tory Revolt

Gambling Crackdown Sparks Tory Revolt

Fierce Backlash Against Proposed Affordability Checks

A recent gambling crackdown has ignited a fierce Tory revolt, with MPs denouncing the plans as 'completely outrageous'. Senior Conservatives have accused ministers of being 'snobbish' and punishing ordinary punters with proposed affordability checks.

Concerns Over Job Losses in Horse Racing

The proposed laws to monitor the financial data of individuals who lose as little as £125 a month or £500 a year have raised alarms among MPs. They warn of a potential jobs bloodbath in the horse racing industry, estimating a £50 million cost to the sport.

Tory MPs Speak Out

Prominent Tory MPs, including Philip Davies and Kate Kniveton, have voiced their opposition to the gambling crackdown plans. Davies criticized the government for treating punters as pariahs and highlighted the party's shift away from individual freedom and responsibility. Kniveton's constituents express concerns over intrusive checks, while Chris Grayling warns of significant job losses, particularly in areas like Epsom racecourse.

Government Defends Plans

Despite the backlash, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport defends the proposed measures as 'light-touch, frictionless checks' aimed at protecting individuals from potentially life-changing losses.

Gambling Crackdown Sparks Tory Revolt