Fury as Scottish election candidate Peter Tait claims gay marriage ’caused Covid’

A SCOTS election candidate has sparked fury after suggesting gay marriage caused coronavirus.

Covidiot Peter Tait, an Independent candidate standing in Shetland, said the deadly bug – which has so far claimed almost 127,000 lives in the UK – is “possibly related” to same-sex weddings.

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Fury as Scottish election candidate Peter Tait claims gay marriage ’caused Covid’
Peter Tait, who is standing for election in Shetland, says he believes there’s a possibility gay marriage caused Covid

Fury as Scottish election candidate Peter Tait claims gay marriage ’caused Covid’
The Independent candidate made the jaw-dropping claim that he believes the deadly bug is ‘possibly related’ to same-sex weddings.

The retired mussel farmer claims his position relates to his religious beliefs.

And he said: “I’m representing as best I can things that God would want me to represent.”

Mr Tait made the shocking claims in a car-crash interview ahead of the elections in May.

He told the Shetland Times he would be standing against gay marriage for the Shetland MSP seat – before adding the jaw-dropping assertion that, in his opinion, “Covid is possibly related to it.”

Asked whether he understood there would likely be a backlash to his views, he replied: “I suppose there likely will.”

Mr Tait stood in the island’s 2019 by-elections, and told voters he’d move the monarchy to Scotland.

However, he received just 31 votes.

This time around, he said: “I just wanted to make my case well, irrespective of votes.”

Scottish Labour candidate Martin Kerr said his party supported the rights of gay people to marry.

Meanwhile, Nazi pug lout Mark Meechan is set to stand as an MSP candidate just two years after his failed European election bid.

The YouTuber, known as Count Dankula, was handed a £800 fine for filming his girlfriend’s pet pug giving Nazi salutes to statements including “gas the Jews” and “Sieg Heil.”

Elsewhere today, a tweet from an SNP candidate comparing the actions of Theresa May in rejecting an independence referendum to the actions of Adolf Hitler has been described as “disgraceful” by anti-Semitism campaigners.


Stephanie Callaghan is currently standing to be the MSP for Uddingston and Bellshill.

In 2017, Ms Callaghan tweeted about the decision of then prime minister Mrs May to refuse an independence referendum.

First reported in the Scottish Sun, the now deleted tweet said: “Tory propaganda provides a window into future plans: stamp on democracy.

“Hitler did same: set scene 4 Jewish Holocaust to lower opposition.”

The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism said: “There is no comparison between political tensions in the UK today and Nazi Germany’s systematic destruction of democracy and murder of six million Jewish men, women and children.

“Politicians must set an example by learning the lessons of the Holocaust – not diminishing the memory of those innocents who were slaughtered by using the Holocaust to score political points.

“To make such a comparison is disgraceful and wounding, showing incredible ignorance.”

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