Furious MPs order social media giants including Facebook to adopt ‘no tolerance approach’ to online abuse or face curbs

SOCIAL media giants have been warned they’ll face new curbs if they don’t adopt a “no tolerance approach” to online abuse.

Furious Tory MPs have ordered them to enforce compulsory ID for opening accounts and lifetime bans for repeated hate speech.

Furious MPs order social media giants including Facebook to adopt ‘no tolerance approach’ to online abuse or face curbs
Social media giants, including Facebook, have been warned they’ll face new curbs if they don’t adopt a ‘no tolerance approach’ to online abuse

More than 50 backbenchers have signed a letter warning firms their “inaction” means they’ve become “enablers of abuse”.

They’ve spoken out amid growing pressure for a crackdown on online hate following the murder of Sir David Amess.

The letter, penned by Meriden MP Saqib Bhatti, has been sent to the bosses of Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Reddit, and TikTok.

It says: “There are those who use social media and online platforms to commit abhorrent abuse in the knowledge that little or no action will be taken against them.

“Despite numerous calls for change, it is our view that insufficient steps are being taken to address this.

“Abuse which is not tolerated in the physical world is being allowed to fester in the online world.”

MPs highlight the “abhorrent racist abuse” of England footballers after Euro 2020 and threats targeted at women.

They warn: “Sadly, if you are in public life, whether it be as a sportsperson or a politician, you are seen as ‘fair game’.”

They’re calling for a “three strikes and you’re out” policy and a widening of what’s considered racist to include slurs like monkey emojis.

The letter has been signed by 51 Tory MPs including ex Business Secretary Andrea Leadsom and former Work and Pensions Secretary Stephen Crabb.

Furious MPs order social media giants including Facebook to adopt ‘no tolerance approach’ to online abuse or face curbs
MPs have spoken out amid growing pressure for a crackdown on online hate following the murder of Sir David Amess