Former PM Tony Blair says he did not enjoy the job ‘because the responsibility is so huge’

TONY Blair said he did not enjoy being Prime Minister because of the job’s huge responsibility.

The former Labour leader, 67, added it is the only job where experience has little value.

Former PM Tony Blair says he did not enjoy the job ‘because the responsibility is so huge’
Ex-PM Tony Blair said: ‘I don’t think I did enjoy the job because the responsibility is so huge’

Mr Blair served as PM from 1997 to 2007 in his first government role.

He said: “I don’t think I did enjoy the job because the responsibility is so huge.

“Every day you’re making decisions and under massive scrutiny, as is your family.

“The paradox is you start at your most popular and least capable and end at your least popular and most capable.”

He added: “The first job I ever had in government was Prime Minister.

“I use the analogy of a football team.

“If you’re looking for the new coach of Manchester United and ‘I tell you what we’re going to find the most enthusiastic and persuasive fan we can find and put in him charge of the team’.

“People would say you’re insane.”

Former PM Tony Blair says he did not enjoy the job ‘because the responsibility is so huge’
The former Labour leader added: ‘The first job I ever had in government was Prime Minister’
Former PM Tony Blair says he did not enjoy the job ‘because the responsibility is so huge’
Tony Blair served as PM from 1997 to 2007 and said: ‘The paradox is you start at your most popular and least capable and end at your least popular and most capable’
Former PM Tony Blair says he did not enjoy the job ‘because the responsibility is so huge’
David Cameron said he would often find time to make a cheese sandwich alone just to get ‘a few moments of peace’

The comments were for a BBC Radio 4 programme on the PM’s role.

David Cameron said he would often find time to make a cheese sandwich alone just to get “a few moments of peace”.

He said: “These were really valuable moments.”

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