Five Fiercest Moments from Penny Mordaunt and Angela Rayner's Blazing TV Debate

Five Fiercest Moments from Penny Mordaunt and Angela Rayner's Blazing TV Debate

Clash of the Titans

Angela Rayner and Penny Mordaunt engaged in heated debates over the NHS, defence, immigration, taxes, and the cost of living crisis during their showdown election debate.

Healthcare Heated Debate

Penny Mordaunt criticized Angela Rayner for lacking a plan to bring down migration, while Rayner retaliated by vowing to tackle people smuggler gangs and stop Rwanda flights.

Nuclear Showdown

The two leaders clashed over nuclear defense policies, with accusations flying around about abolishing Trident and voting against renewing Britain's nuclear deterrent.

Taxing Times

Rayner and Mordaunt sparred over housing, the cost of living crisis, and taxes, with Rayner accusing Mordaunt of backing tax increases and the economy's crash by Liz Truss.

Five Fiercest Moments from Penny Mordaunt and Angela Rayner's Blazing TV Debate

Net Zero Dispute

Mordaunt criticized Labour's GBE plans, warning against the potential costs and disruptions it may bring to households. Rayner defended the plans as a move towards clean energy and lower bills.