FORMER Speaker John Bercow has been branded a serial bully and liar in a landmark probe.
The former MP and Commons chair has been banned from holding a pass to let him into Parliament after a string of damning allegations were upheld against him.

Years of bad behaviour – ignored by diehard remainers so he could try stop Brexit – have now finally been revealed in full.
And today the Independent Expert Panel upheld the findings of Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards Kathryn Stone, who said he was guilty of bullying.
21 separate allegations were proved and upheld, bringing the office of the Commons speaker into “disrepute”.
The report accused Mr Bercow of being a “serial liar” and said “his behaviour fell very far below that which the public has a right to expect” from an MP.
Shockingly, they said that he were still an MP, they would have recommended he be expelled from the House of Commons.
Mr Bercow has now joined the Labour party under Sir Keir Starmer.
One person “describes the respondent as losing his temper spectacularly ‘like Jekyll and Hyde’, his face being totally red, as spittle came from his mouth”.
The report recalled one incident, saying: “Physically shaking with fury, his fists bunched and trembling, his eyes popping, he accused the complainant for over 15 minutes of incompetence, duplicity and subversion, casting himself in the role of wise Speaker when all around him were evilly intentioned incompetents.”
Another victim revealed their ordeal: “He ordered me to stay seated, so he was standing over me, and then threw the mobile phone right in front of me on my desk and it burst into hundreds of bits and I could feel them hitting me.
“It was the most violent, extraordinary display of temper.”
Parliament’s bullying and harassment policy was “breached repeatedly and extensively by the most senior Member of the House of Commons”, the findings said, and he had showed behaviour which “has no place in any work place”.
But last night the furious former Speaker threw out the claims as desperate “tittle tattle” and described the probe as as “amateurish” and like a “kangaroo court”.
In a long rambling statement, he said: “Parliament is supposed to be the highest court in the land. This inquiry, which lasted a ghastly 22 months at great cost to the taxpayer, has failed it dismally.”
He said not to fall for the “establishment spin” and bragged he could still go into Parliament if he really wanted to.
Mr Bercow claimed the case would have been thrown out of any court as it was “based on the flimsiest of evidence, rooted in hearsay and baseless rumour, and advanced by old school dogmatists once intent on resisting change at all costs and now settling some ancient scores with me.”
He added: “Add to that a dash of personal spite and you have some idea of the vengeful vendetta mounted against me.”
“It is a travesty of justice and brings shame on the House of Commons.”
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