Everything the Tory leadership candidates have promised so far in race to replace Boris Johnson as Prime Minister

TORY big beasts are preparing to do battle for the chance to become the UK’s Prime Minister.

Nine MPs have plunged into the leadership race – with more expected to take a punt in the days to come.

Everything the Tory leadership candidates have promised so far in race to replace Boris Johnson as Prime Minister
Tory big dogs are lining up to fight for leadership after Boris Johnson quit earlier this week

And the runners and riders are offering Brits everything from five-year business rates holidays to “anti-woke” policies in a bid to take the top spot.

But not every candidate agrees on what’s best for the country, with huge divisions emerging between competitors.

So here’s what you need to know about what they’re offering.

Rishi Sunak

Everything the Tory leadership candidates have promised so far in race to replace Boris Johnson as Prime Minister
Rishi Sunak is already out in front – but he’s vowed not to cut any taxes straight away

The former Chancellor, who quit just nine minutes after Sajid Javid did on Tuesday, is currently the hot favourite.

He’s hoping to impress by presenting himself as being responsible with the nation’s finances.

But he’s warned that Brits shouldn’t fall for the “fairy-tale” tax cuts being offered by his competitors.

Under a Sunak premiership, there’ll be no immediate changes to tax rates – because the country “cannot afford” it.

It’s understood that he believes the tax burden can only be reduced once the UK’s public finances have improved.

Allies of Mr Johnson say Mr Sunak had refused point blank to cut corporation tax – despite the Prime Minister’s demands.

Mr Sunak also wants to end the “culture wars”. Setting himself up in direct opposition to Penny Mordaunt, he said: “We must call a mother a mother”.

Suella Braverman

Everything the Tory leadership candidates have promised so far in race to replace Boris Johnson as Prime Minister
Suella Braverman announced her candidacy before Mr Johnson quit, earning some raised eyebrows

Attorney General Ms Braverman was the first to announce her leadership bid – and did so before Mr Johnson had resigned, earning her some criticism from within the Tory party.

She wants to get Government spending under control and run an “efficient, low-tax system”.

As part of this, she plans to cut VAT on energy – and says she’ll reduce the planned tax increases that she believes are putting off investment.

In an op-ed for the Telegraph, she said: “Let’s make our own rules, and grow the economy beyond the confines of London, rather than sacrificing our recovery on the altar of Net Zero.”

Like most of her colleagues, she’d stick with the plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda, and she’s pledged to protect same-sex spaces.

Tom Tugendhat

Everything the Tory leadership candidates have promised so far in race to replace Boris Johnson as Prime Minister
Tom Tugendhat says he’ll bring in a 10-year economic plan to support the country through the economic crisis

Mr Tugendhat, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee, says he’s best-placed to serve as PM because of his career in the Army.

He wants to put in place a 10-year economic plan, under which he’ll immediately reverse Mr Sunak’s National Insurance hike, bring down fuel tax and slash tariffs that “put up prices for consumers”.

During an interview on Sky this morning, he repeatedly said the country needs a “clean start”.

He’s committed to maintaining and strengthening Brexit, fixing the Northern Ireland Protocol and safeguarding the Union.

And Mr Tugendhat, who was wounded twice in a 10-hour firefight in Iraq, said he believes a woman is an “adult female” – but added: “Everyone deserves dignity.”

Kemi Badenoch

Everything the Tory leadership candidates have promised so far in race to replace Boris Johnson as Prime Minister
Kemi Badenoch wants to enforce tax cuts and strip back the Government

Until her resignation this week, Ms Badenoch was a joint minister for levelling up and equalities.

Unlike some of her competitors, her policies have been fairly vague.

However, she’s said she’ll enforce tax cuts “to boost growth and productivity”.

She’s vehemently opposed to “identity politics” and says she’ll be an “anti-woke” candidate.

The 42-year-old former banker also wants a minimal Government, and says too many “micro-decisions” are currently being made by officials.

Grant Shapps

Everything the Tory leadership candidates have promised so far in race to replace Boris Johnson as Prime Minister
This morning, Grant Shapps says he’ll hack away at red tape as he focuses on ‘bread and butter’ politics

Transport Minister Mr Shapps has pledged to make the UK the biggest economy in Europe by 2050.

He wants to “cut red tape” for businesses, and would take 1p off the tax rate immediately.

He’s also vowed to freeze a proposed increase in corporation tax and increase Army spending to three per cent.

To see all those measures through, he’d insist on an emergency budget within the first 100 days of becoming PM.

Speaking to Sky this morning, he says he wants to focus on “bread and butter” issues rather than American-style identity politics.

Asked if a trans woman is a woman, and a trans man is a man, he replied: “Live and let live.”

Nadhim Zahawi 

Everything the Tory leadership candidates have promised so far in race to replace Boris Johnson as Prime Minister
Chancellor Nadhim Zahawi has vowed to abandon the National Insurance hike

Current Chancellor Nadhim Zahawi has pledged to lower taxes for individuals, families and business, boost defence spending, and continue with the education reforms that he started in his previous role.

At the moment, corporation tax will rise to 25 per cent next April – but Mr Zahawi says he’ll cut it to 15 per cent.

He believes cutting the cost of Government would bring down inflation – running at an eye-watering 9.1 per cent – and free up cash for the cuts.

He’s also vowed to abandon the National Insurance hike.

In an exclusive Sun interview, he said of hard-pressed Brits: “I instinctively want them to keep more of their money.”

Sajid Javid

Everything the Tory leadership candidates have promised so far in race to replace Boris Johnson as Prime Minister
Sajid Javid was the first to resign this week. He plans a raft of tax cuts

In many respects, Mr Javid – who was the first to quit his post this week, sparking a tsunami of resignations – has positioned himself in opposition to Mr Sunak.

He wants a raft of tax cuts, including the reversal of the National Insurance increase. He’ll cut corporation tax to 15 per cent, slash income tax and chop fuel duty.

He would also bring forward the planned 1p income tax cut to next year.

Just a handful of those measures would cost £39bn a year, but Mr Javid warned public services could collapse without the work being done.

In an interview this morning, he said: “We need to increase long term growth rate, otherwise we won’t be able to afford the public services we all depend on.”

He plans to fund some of the cuts from projected “fiscal headroom” from the Treasury. Some £30bn is currently forecast to be available by 2024.

However, that’s just a prediction – and critics say the money may not still be available in two years’ time.

Jeremy Hunt

Everything the Tory leadership candidates have promised so far in race to replace Boris Johnson as Prime Minister
Jeremy Hunt says any tax cut must be ‘for life, not just for Christmas’

Just like Mr Javid, Mr Hunt has promised to cancel Mr Sunak’s planned rise in corporation tax, and instead cut the 25 per cent rate to 15 per cent.

He’ll also introduce a five-year business rates holiday for the most deprived parts of the country, including many so-called “red wall” constituencies.

However, he is offering far less in cuts than, for example, Mr Javid is.

He would not revoke the National Insurance increase, and instead wants to focus on growing the economy.

And he said: “I would love to see income tax cut, but it has to be done in a way that is sustainable.

“It can’t be an electoral bribe and it depends on growth.

“What you’d need is an income tax cut that is for life, not for Christmas.”

Penny Mordaunt

Everything the Tory leadership candidates have promised so far in race to replace Boris Johnson as Prime Minister
Penny Mordaunt’s exact policies are unknown after she released a vague video this morning announcing her candidacy

The Minister of State for Trade Policy – who was once voted Britain’s sexiest MP – announced she’ll run this morning.

Little is know about her policies yet, although in a video she told voters the party’s leadership “needs to become a little less about the leader” and more about “the ship”.

Ms Mordaunt says she’s running on a “broad church” ticket of being a pro-Brexit but socially liberal Conservative.

She describes herself as a “trans ally”, and has said for many years that “trans women are women and trans men are men”.

This sets her at odds with many in her party.

Ms Mordaunt has sparked fury at the top of Government by refusing to travel abroad, despite being her job as Trade Minister, it’s reported.

Liz Truss

Everything the Tory leadership candidates have promised so far in race to replace Boris Johnson as Prime Minister
Liz Truss is expected to emerge as a front-runner when she enters the contest

Technically, Ms Truss hasn’t officially entered the race yet.

However, it’s believed to be a sure thing, and the Foreign Secretary is expected to confirm formally tomorrow.

She’s being eyed up as one to beat, and will run on a platform of “classic Conservative principles”, the Mail on Sunday reported.

It’s known that she’d reverse the National Insurance rise, cut corporation tax and introduce measures to east the cost-of-living crisis.

And Ms Truss would also launch a review of Government spending.

Simon Clarke, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, told the Telegraph Ms Truss will “overhaul business regulation and help families by reforming senseless red tape around childcare.”