Emotional ovation as Ukraine’s Zelenskyy tells MPs ‘we will fight in the skies & on the streets’ in Churchillian speech

UKRAINE’S heroic President Volodymyr Zelenskyy today appealed directly to the hearts of British MPs for help defeating evil Putin.

In a Churchillian address to a packed Commons chamber from his Kyiv bunker, the leader vowed: “We will not give up, and we will not lose.”

Emotional ovation as Ukraine’s Zelenskyy tells MPs ‘we will fight in the skies & on the streets’ in Churchillian speech
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy today appealed directly to the hearts of British MPs

President Zelenskyy making an historic address to Parliament

Boris Johnson led MPs in a standing ovation and exceptionally rare round of applause as President Zelenskyy was beamed in.

The Ukrainian leader said: “I would like to tell you about about 13 Days of war.

“The war that we didn’t start, and we didn’t enter – however we have to conduct this war.

“We do not want to lose what we have what is ours, our country, Ukraine.”

He once again begged Nato to impose a No Fly Zone over Ukraine so Russian jets could be shot out of the sky.

Ben Wallace today repeated British reluctance to do this as it could quickly spiral into an all-out war with nuclear-armed Putin.

But the Defence Secretary said the bloody invasion has spectacularly backfired on the Kremlin despot by knackering his army and wrecking the Russian economy.

And even if the tyrant manages to capture the country there is no way he can hold it against fierce Ukrainian uprisings, Mr Wallace warned. 

Russia has suffered heavy losses and the menacing 40-mile convoy of tanks is in a logjam after being lashed with strikes. 

Putin still has key cities surrounded and Kyiv is bracing for an all-out siege and barbaric shelling blitz.

But Mr Wallace said: “This will be Putin’s end, this country, and so it should be because of, not only their spirit and the moral component that they have on their side – the Ukrainians – but also because it will be an impossible task to occupy such a people and a country.”

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He warned the Moscow madman his time was up because of the damage done to Russia’s standing in the world.

Putin can constitutionally stay in power until 2036 and would be exceptionally hard to oust in a coup.

But the Tory Cabinet Minister said: “Whatever we think about President Putin, he is done.

“He is a spent force in the world. No-one will be taking his phone calls in the long term.

“He has exhausted his army, he is responsible for thousands of Russian soldiers being killed, responsible for innocent people being killed, civilians being killed in Ukraine.

“He is reducing his economy to zero, because the international community has decided that is absolutely unacceptable, what he’s done.

“So he is a spent force in the world and I don’t know whether he thinks that’s a clever thing to be, but that diminishes his own country in the world and he has to take responsibility for that.”

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