EMMANUEL Macron demanded Britain takes in more Channel migrants last night as he stoked tensions with Boris Johnson.
The French President even accused the UK of deliberately encouraging illegal crossings to feed black market labour.

In an incendiary speech which will enrage No 10 he blamed us for the “horrendous humanitarian situation”.
And he claimed his country is doing everything it can to stop the flow of asylum seekers attempting the deadly sea journey.
He fumed: “But ultimately we can’t solve the problem if the way in which migratory flows are seen from the British side doesn’t change.
“Our British friends at the moment are trying to adopt an approach which is the one that prevailed at the start the 80s.
“One where you’ve got a level of acceptable economic illegal migration, you allow people to work without papers because it’s helpful for the economy.”
He added: “There need to be legal, stable routes to be able to migrate to the UK. This is a dialogue we need to pursue.”
Mr Macron’s remarks come after it was announced the Navy will take charge of slowing record Channel crossings.
Addressing the EU parliament he also vowed to be “tough” on No 10 in talks over Northern Ireland and fishing.
He said ensuring Britain “respects” the Brexit deal is the best way for the two sides “regain trust in one another”.
Speaking after him EU chief Maros Sefcovic echoed calls from Liz Truss to focus on bigger issues like the threat from Russia.
He said: “They are our neighbours, our allies, and I think all of us would like to see them again as our strategic partners.
“We will show all the flexibility, all the goodwill to make this happen, but there needs to be a good partner on other side.”