Downing Street welcomes NatWest boss’ decision to quit over Farage story leak as pressure mounts on whole board to go

DOWNING Street today welcomed the decision of woke NatWest boss Dame Alison Rose to quit her job.

A source close to Rishi Sunak said the PM had been “concerned about the unfolding situation”.

Downing Street welcomes NatWest boss’ decision to quit over Farage story leak as pressure mounts on whole board to go
Downing Street today welcomed the decision of woke NatWest boss Dame Alison Rose to quit her job

Downing Street welcomes NatWest boss’ decision to quit over Farage story leak as pressure mounts on whole board to go
The ex-bank chief leaked false information about Nigel Farage to the BBC

Downing Street welcomes NatWest boss’ decision to quit over Farage story leak as pressure mounts on whole board to go
Mr Farage, whose Coutts account was shut down due to his political views, wants the NatWest board who originally stood by Dame Alison to quit too

They added: “Alison Rose has done the right thing in resigning.

“Everyone would expect people in public life – whether that’s in a business leadership role or otherwise – to act responsibly and with integrity.”

The ex-CEO sparked a major uproar yesterday after admitting she was the source of a false BBC story about Nigel Farage.

The broadcaster’s Business Editor Simon Jack had wrongly reported Mr Farage lost his account simply for not having enough cash.

In truth, it was shut down because of his legally held political opinions.

In the early evening the NatWest board stood by their leader to the immense anger of leading ministers and MPs.

But by 2am her time was up.

Now, Mr Farage is calling for the board that originally stood by her to also quit.

The ex-Brexit Party chief said: “Dame Alison Rose has gone. Others must follow.

“I hope that this serves as a warning to the banking industry.

“We need both cultural and legal changes to a system that has unfairly shut down many thousands of innocent people.

“I will do my best to be their voice.”

This morning Policing Minister Chris Philp told Times Radio that it’s “right” Dame Alison resigned.

He said: “It’s fairly clear that she passed on confidential information about a bank client, Nigel Farage, to a journalist.

“It turns out that information was also inaccurate. And I think it’s also wrong in the first place, that somebody was denied banking services simply because of their political views.

“We believe in free speech and freedom of political opinions in this country.”

NatWest chair Sir Howard Davies said in a statement: “The Board and Alison Rose have agreed, by mutual consent, that she will step down as CEO of the NatWest Group. It is a sad moment.

“She has dedicated all her working life so far to NatWest and will leave many colleagues who respect and admire her.”

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