Donald Trump's Surprising Support for Legalizing Marijuana in Florida

Donald Trump's Surprising Support for Legalizing Marijuana in Florida

Trump Signals Support for Marijuana Legalization

DONALD Trump recently made waves by expressing his support for the legalization of marijuana in Florida through a post on his social media platform, Truth Social.

Details on the Proposed Amendment

The proposed amendment would allow adults over 21 to possess, purchase, or use marijuana for non-medical personal consumption, with the chance for Florida voters to decide on it this November.

Trump's Stance and Tough on Crime Promise

While Trump stopped short of officially endorsing the measure, he emphasized the need for strict laws to control marijuana use, promising to be tough on crime if legalization occurs.

Contrasting Views from Opponents

Trump's position on Amendment 3 in Florida places him in a different camp from Governor Ron DeSantis, who opposes the legislation, and aligns him more closely with opponent Kamala Harris, who has advocated for marijuana's legalization.

Donald Trump's Surprising Support for Legalizing Marijuana in Florida

DeSantis and Griffin's Opposition

DeSantis has taken a harsh stance against marijuana legalization, citing concerns about quality of life, while Republican billionaire Ken Griffin has criticized Amendment 3 as a plan that would create destructive marijuana laws.

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