Diva diner Health Secretary Steve Barclay demands very best grub in work canteen revamp

Diva diner Health Secretary Steve Barclay demands very best grub in work canteen revamp

Health Secretary demands top-quality food in office canteen makeover

Health Secretary Steve Barclay has expressed dissatisfaction with the current food offerings in his work canteen and has demanded the very best grub during the upcoming kitchen revamp. Mr. Barclay made his food requests known during discussions with Bon Collective, the designers responsible for the office makeover.

Requests include quality soup, pasta, and coffee

Minutes from the February meeting, obtained by Trending In The News, revealed Mr. Barclay's desire for the canteen to offer top-quality soup and pasta alongside quality coffee. He also requested the creation of a "coffee breakout zone for all staff," a "media suite," and two boardrooms for hosting foreign officials.

Labour criticizes Barclay's focus on food

The Labour Party has criticized Health Secretary Steve Barclay for prioritizing food requests over addressing the shortcomings of hospitals. Shadow Health Secretary Wes Streeting stated, "Soupy Steve is pasta his sell by date, just like the crumbling hospitals he expects patients to use. He should be focused on cutting record-long NHS waiting lists. Labour will put patients before pesto."

Tory source highlights waiting list differences

A Tory source responded to Labour's criticism by pointing out that under the Labour-run Welsh government, patients are over 600 times more likely to wait over two years for treatment compared to England. They suggested that Labour should focus on cutting waiting lists starting in Wales.

Department of Health and Social Care defends Barclay's priorities

A spokesperson from the Department of Health and Social Care stated that cutting waiting lists is a top priority for the government. They emphasized that efforts to improve facilities for staff and provide healthy meal options in the department are not incompatible with this goal.

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