Disgraced ex-Tory MP Charlie Elphicke planning to claim Universal Credit after sexually assaulting two women

DISGRACED ex-Tory Charlie Elphicke says he is unemployed and making a benefit claim after failing to pay £35,000 following his sex case.

The ex-Dover MP, 50, was freed halfway through his two-year term after being convicted of assaulting two women.

Disgraced ex-Tory MP Charlie Elphicke planning to claim Universal Credit after sexually assaulting two women
Disgraced Charlie Elphicke was convicted of sexually assaulting two women

He was summonsed to court again yesterday for non-payment of the prosecution costs order.

The court heard most of the £51,000 from the sale of the home he shared with estranged wife Natalie Elphicke, now Dover MP, went on other legal fees and rent.

He told Uxbridge magistrates: “I have made a claim for Universal Credit that is currently being processed.”

He urged them to give him more time “to get myself back on my feet”.

It was adjourned to December 17, when a payment order is expected.

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