David Cameron warns of Putin's threat and emphasizes the need to stop him in Ukraine

David Cameron warns of Putin's threat and emphasizes the need to stop him in Ukraine

Former UK Prime Minister shares his concerns and plans as Foreign Secretary

David Cameron, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has issued a stark warning about the dangers posed by Vladimir Putin and the need to stop him in Ukraine. Writing exclusively in the Sun on Sunday, Cameron expresses his worries and reveals his upcoming visit to Washington DC to advocate for Ukraine. He believes that European security is closely tied to American security and that appeasing dictators is not a viable strategy.

A time of danger and uncertainty

Cameron describes the current global landscape as a time of great danger and uncertainty. He highlights his recent visits to a bombed-out cathedral in Ukraine and an Israeli kibbutz where parents were killed in front of their children. The former Prime Minister stresses the importance of understanding how the world has changed, with a warmonger in the Kremlin, a more aggressive China, and Islamist extremism poisoning young minds. He cautions against hoping for a return to the past and emphasizes the need for a proactive policy.

Appeasing dictators wrecks British interests and costs British lives

Cameron firmly believes that if Putin is not stopped in Ukraine, he will continue to pose a threat. He draws on historical examples to illustrate how appeasing dictators ultimately harms British interests and leads to loss of life. Conflict in the Middle East, he adds, can have far-reaching consequences, destabilizing allies and affecting Jewish and Muslim populations. It is crucial, according to Cameron, to strengthen our defenses, maintain close relationships with our allies, and forge new partnerships.

Turning danger and insecurity into unity

Despite the challenges, Cameron remains hopeful. He suggests that by using this moment of danger and insecurity to foster a sense of unity among allies, there is a real possibility of prevailing. Cameron concludes by emphasizing the need to confront the threats head-on rather than hoping for a return to a bygone era.

David Cameron warns of Putin's threat and emphasizes the need to stop him in Ukraine