David Cameron urges immediate investigation into deaths of 117 Palestinians killed waiting for aid convoy

David Cameron urges immediate investigation into deaths of 117 Palestinians killed waiting for aid convoy

Foreign Secretary calls for urgent probe

Former Prime Minister David Cameron has called for an immediate investigation into the deaths of 117 Palestinians who were killed while waiting for an aid convoy in Gaza. Hundreds more were injured as they gathered around lorries carrying supplies.

Conflicting reports on the cause of deaths

Hamas has accused Israel of firing at civilians, while the IDF stated that most of the casualties occurred in a crush following warning shots fired. The situation has sparked international outrage and calls for accountability.

Global response to the tragedy

In response to the incident, US President Joe Biden announced that America will begin air-dropping aid into Gaza in the coming days. France, Italy, and Germany, along with the UN and the European Union, have demanded an investigation into the tragic events.

UN emphasizes urgent need for aid

UN Secretary General António Guterres highlighted the desperate need for help among civilians in Gaza and expressed concern over the lack of aid delivery to the region. The UN Security Council convened an emergency meeting to address the situation.

David Cameron urges immediate investigation into deaths of 117 Palestinians killed waiting for aid convoy

International condemnation of the violence

French President Emmanuel Macron condemned the targeting of civilians by Israeli soldiers, while EU foreign policy chief Josep Borell denounced the "totally unacceptable carnage" that occurred during the aid convoy wait.

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