David Cameron under pressure after old business card shows business colleague as ‘senior adviser’ at Downing Street

DAVID Cameron was under fresh pressure last night after an old business card appeared to place his business colleague at the heart of Downing Street.

Lex Greensill had a role as a “senior adviser” in the Prime Minister’s Office, a newly unearthed card revealed.

David Cameron under pressure after old business card shows business colleague as ‘senior adviser’ at Downing Street
David Cameron under pressure after business card appears to place pal at Downing Street
David Cameron under pressure after old business card shows business colleague as ‘senior adviser’ at Downing Street
Lex Greensill had a role as a ‘senior adviser’ in the Prime Minister’s Office

It included a Downing Street email address and phone number, and was handed out in 2012, Labour claimed last night.

Mr Cameron is under mounting pressure to explain why his former aide was given the job, and whether he used it to get privileged access to Whitehall and top ministers.

Labour renewed their demands for a full probe into the ex-PM last night and accused him of giving him “special access”.


Mr Cameron went on to work for Greensill Capital after leaving No10, and was reported to have texted Chancellor Rishi Sunak to bail the firm out before their collapse.

An initial probe earlier this week cleared him of breaking lobbying rules.

Anneliese Dodds MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, said last night: “This raises further serious questions about the special access Lex Greensill was granted to the heart of government.

“The public have a right to know what happened here – we need a full, transparent and thorough investigation.”

David Cameron under pressure after old business card shows business colleague as ‘senior adviser’ at Downing Street
Labour’s Shadow Chancellor Anneliese Dodds said ‘this raises further serious questions’

Neither Mr Greensill nor Mr Cameron has commented.

A Government spokesperson said last night: “Lex Greensill acted as a Supply Chain Finance Advisor from 2012 to 2015 and as a Crown Representative for three years from 2013.

“His appointment was approved in the normal manner and he was not paid for either role.”

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