Cops to Take Over Investigation into Election Betting Scandal

Cops to Take Over Investigation into Election Betting Scandal

Scotland Yard to Lead Probe

Scotland Yard is set to take control of the investigation into election betting by politicians and aides, replacing the Gambling Commission. The scandal has deepened with allegations involving senior Tories and police officers.

Top Tory Accused of Placing £8,000 Bet on Himself

A top Tory, Sir Philip Davies, is accused of betting £8,000 on himself to lose his seat on July 4. Despite the allegations, there is no suggestion of any illegal activity. Davies, married to cabinet minister Esther McVey, dismissed the issue as "nobody’s business."

Metropolitan Police to Investigate

Amid the widening scale and complexity of the scandal, Trending In The News has learned that the Metropolitan Police will take over the investigation. This comes as dozens of bets made by senior Tories and police officers are under scrutiny for potential insider trading.

Labour Candidate Suspended for Betting Against Himself

In a separate incident, Labour candidate Kevin Craig was suspended from the party for betting against himself to win. The investigation is ongoing, with data from hundreds of bets requested by the Gambling Commission from bookies.

Cops to Take Over Investigation into Election Betting Scandal

Sir Philip Davies Responds

Sir Philip Davies, when questioned about the allegations, stated that whether he placed the bet or not is "nobody's business." He emphasized his commitment to winning his constituency despite expecting to lose, citing a similar bet in the 2005 election.

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