COP26 is last chance to stop global warming, Cabinet minister will warn

COP26 is last chance to stop global warming, Cabinet minister will warn

COP26 is our last opportunity to stop global warming, with “no second chances” to act, a Cabinet minister will warn today.

Alok Sharma will urge richer countries to pay to help poorer nations to ditch polluting coal.

COP26 is last chance to stop global warming, Cabinet minister will warn
Alok Sharma will urge richer countries to pay to help poorer nations to ditch polluting coal

And he will say 2021 is our “last hope” of sticking to strict climate goals to stop Earth from getting so hot it will transform beyond all recognition.

He will also say that his young daughters begged him to tell world leaders to act for future generations.

Mr Sharma, president of the UN summit in Glasgow in November, will say: “I have faith that world leaders will rise to the occasion and not be found wanting in their tryst with destiny.

“There are no second chances.

“Let’s pick the planet.”

His speech at a windfarm today will mark six months until the event.

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