Impact of the pandemic on unemployment
Since the pandemic hit, there has been a significant increase of 850,000 jobless individuals who have not been actively seeking work for at least a month. This surge has undone a decade of progress made under the current government. Alarmingly, half of those not in employment report experiencing depression or anxiety, with the largest proportional rise seen among young people.
Motivations behind welfare reform
The Conservative Party vows to overhaul and manage welfare programs to address the concerning rise in unemployment rates. Emphasizing the moral imperative, they assert that the welfare safety net should support those truly in need while assisting others in overcoming barriers to employment. They stress the importance of hard work in building a better life for families and a more prosperous nation.
Economic considerations and fairness
From an economic standpoint, the government highlights the substantial budget allocated to benefits for working-age individuals with disabilities or health conditions, surpassing investments in education, transportation, and law enforcement. The aim is to lessen the burden on current and future generations and enhance the skills, incentives, and assistance for individuals to transition from welfare to work. The Conservative ideology of fairness underpins decisions such as the two-child benefit limit, ensuring that welfare spending is directed towards those truly in need.
Promoting work ethic and opportunities
The Conservative Party underscores the importance of work ethic and the dignity that comes from employment. With nearly one million job vacancies available, they advocate for ending a culture of dependency on benefits and fostering a system that empowers individuals through work. By rejecting the notion of 'something for nothing,' the government aims to provide a hand up rather than a handout to those capable of working.
Ultimately, the Conservative Party aims to eradicate the 'sicknote culture' in the UK and restore purpose and meaning to individuals through the opportunities and rewards of work.