Cat owners face £500 fines if they don’t microchip pets under new laws

CAT owners face £500 fines if they don’t get their pets microchipped under new laws, it was confirmed today.

Environment Boss George Eustice unveiled a fresh animal welfare blitz today to crack down on abuse.

Cat owners face £500 fines if they don’t microchip pets under new laws
Cat owners will need to get their pets chipped in future
Cat owners face £500 fines if they don’t microchip pets under new laws
George Eusice revealed more of the action plan to help protect animals today

Landmark legislation introduced in the Commons today will boost the rights of animals and strengthen welfare standards now Britain is outside of restricting EU rules.

Mr Eustice said this morning that when moggie owners go to the vets they will nudged to get one – like is currently the law for dogs.

He explained: “And if they ignore that advice several times, well then there is an enforcement process.

“Generally it’s been very successful on dogs it’s helped reunite more dogs with their owners, we want to do the same now with cats, where it can sometimes be more difficult to know whether a cat is a stray cat, or whether, actually it does have an owner.”

He was asked whether the same enforcement powers would be used to force owners to get them, and replied: “Exactly. So we’ve got a tried and tested way of enforcing this.

“We know that most people really do try and comply with the law. It’s been a success on dogs and we think there’s now case for extending that.”

Ministers haven’t announced when the new rules will come in, but the Environment Bill is expected to become law later this year, ahead of the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow.

Posh foie gras is set to be banned in Britain – as ministers enshrine animals’ feelings in law too.

And there will be efforts to crack down on puppy smuggling too, by banning third-party sales and toughening up of import rules.

The long-awaited ban on ivory sales will finally come into law, and ministers will ban advertising of low-welfare animal practises abroad – like elephant rides.

Cat owners face £500 fines if they don’t microchip pets under new laws
Moggis-owners face fines if they don’t chip their pets
The Queen formally opened Parliament today
The Queen formally opened Parliament yesterday and laid out the new laws

The Queen’s Speech yesterday formally opened Parliament, revealing which laws ministers will pass in the coming months.

Fresh plans include an online harms bill to slap Facebook and other websites with fines for not keeping kids safe, extra funding and a shake-up for the NHS, and a planning bill to rip up red tape.

Ministers will also bring forward new laws for voter ID, look at strengthening borders with immigration tweaks, and level up the North with fresh skills and jobs plans.

Boris Johnson normally would have a chat with Sir Keir - but today it's socially distanced
Boris Johnson and several MPs file in to watch the Queen’s Speech