BORIS Johnson’s toddler son attracted some serious rubber-necking — at a safari park.
Wilfred, two, squealed with joy as two giraffes arrived when a branch of juicy leaves was dangled out of a window of the pick-up he was in.

The youngster was with mum Carrie, 34, at Port Lympne wildlife reserve at Hythe, Kent.
An onlooker said: “The look of glee on the little boy’s face was a sight to behold.
“He was so excited — and so was his mum.”
Animal lover Mrs Johnson is no stranger to the popular park.
Read more on Carrie Johnson
Two years ago she was appointed head of communications for the Aspinall Foundation, which runs it.
The foundation rewilds animals from Port Lympne and its sister park, Howletts, near Canterbury, in the hope of closing the parks in the next 25 years.
Last year she bonded with young cheetahs Saba and Nairo at Howletts before they were released in South Africa.