Cannabis should be a Class A drug like cocaine or heroin, Home Secretary Suella Braverman believes

CANNABIS should be a Class A drug like cocaine or heroin, the new Home Secretary believes.

Suella Braverman has privately backed a group of Police and Crime Commissioners who are calling for tougher drug sentences.

Cannabis should be a Class A drug like cocaine or heroin, Home Secretary Suella Braverman believes
Home Secretary Suella Braverman believes cannabis should be a Class A drug like cocaine or heroin

Maximum jail time for possession would rise from five to seven years, with life for supply.

The Home Office last night confirmed cannabis classification was “subject to review”.

Braverman allies say she is opposed to calls to decriminalise the drug.

She believes deterrence is crucial to halt growing popularity of cannabis among teens.

A source told the Sunday Times: “We’ve got to scare people.”

It comes after a group of PCCs argued at the Conservative conference last week that new health data on cannabis showed there was a need to re-evaluate the penalties.

Dorset PCC David Sidwick hit out: “If you look at the young people in treatment, the number one drug is cannabis.”

PM Liz Truss is understood not to back any law change.