Brits should be able to fly abroad for holidays while still going green, says Rishi Sunak

HOLIDAYMAKERS should be able to go away and fly on a plane while still going green, Rishi Sunak insisted last night.

The PM clashed with a BBC Scotland presenter who questioned him about flying “by private jet” to Scotland to announce a scheme to capture carbon.

Brits should be able to fly abroad for holidays while still going green, says Rishi Sunak
Holidaymakers should be able to fly on a plane while still going green, Rishi Sunak has said

The PM flew from RAF Northolt, in West London, to Aberdeen, on board the Dassault Falcon 900LX — which he regularly uses for domestic flights.

But ahead of his trip, he was involved in a testy exchange with Good Morning Scotland host Martin Geissler.

The Prime Minister admitted he was “flying as I normally would and that’s the most efficient use of my time”.

He added: “I think that question brings to light a great debate here.

“If you or others think that the answer to climate change is getting people to ban everything that they are doing, to stop people going on holiday, I mean, I think that’s absolutely the wrong approach.”

The Government said yesterday it would issue “hundreds” of new oil and gas licences in the North Sea to secure energy reserves while still aiming for net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

“Investment in the North Sea will continue to unlock new projects, protect jobs, reduce emissions and boost UK energy independence,” Downing Street said in a statement.

Labour has said it will not issue any new North Sea drilling licences if it regains power in the election due next year.