Britain and allies ready to use force to stop Russia invading Ukraine

BRITAIN and her allies are ready to use force to stop Russia invading Ukraine — despite warnings it would lead to the worst conflict since World War Two.

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said the crisis was a key test of the West’s resolve to rein in Vladimir Putin.

Britain and allies ready to use force to stop Russia invading Ukraine
Britain and her allies are ready to use force to stop Russia invading Ukraine — despite warnings it would lead to the worst conflict since World War Two (pictured Russia’s Vladimir Putin)

On a visit to Denmark yesterday, Mr Wallace said: “This is an international effort to persuade President Putin not to use those troops to invade or threaten the sovereignty of Ukraine.

“And that international effort includes everything from ­diplomatic, economic, and potentially defence capabilities to try and make sure it deters any aggression.”

At least 70,000 Russian troops have gathered within striking distance of Ukraine’s border.

The new chief of defence staff ­Admiral Sir Tony Radakin called it “deeply worrying”.

He said: “The worst scenarios, in terms of a full invasion, would be on a scale not seen in Europe since World War Two.”

Mr Wallace has sent extra troops to Russia’s borders in Poland and Lithuania.

Britain and allies ready to use force to stop Russia invading Ukraine
Ben Wallace said: ‘This is an international effort to persuade President Putin not to use those troops to invade or threaten the sovereignty of Ukraine’