Brazen Civil Service Undermining Democracy, Says Report

Brazen Civil Service Undermining Democracy, Says Report

A shocking new report has revealed that the civil service in the UK is actively working to cripple the government and harm democracy itself. According to the report, Whitehall has set out to sabotage the government ever since voters backed them to deliver Brexit. This partisan and activist civil service is said to be undermining Tory policies it dislikes, leading to a disaster for democracy.

Partisan Civil Service Betraying Tory Government

The report highlights the fact that the civil service has become a hotbed of anti-Tory sentiment, where it is considered cool and edgy to undermine government policies. The Remainer Left, who were responsible for paralyzing Parliament for three years, continue to disregard the harm caused to democracy. With the Conservative Party facing challenges from within, the civil service is now in open revolt.

Sabotage and Betrayal: Examples of Civil Service Insurgency

The report showcases several instances of civil servants publicly criticizing the government. The head of the National Audit Office has taken the opportunity to trash Downing Street, while a fired civil servant has denounced the Chancellor of the Exchequer on schools. These actions, along with the Home Office asylum chief joining Amnesty International, paint a picture of a civil service actively working against the government's immigration policies.

Remainer Labour Party: The End of Subversion?

The report also raises concerns about the future of the civil service if the Remainer Labour Party comes into power. It is suggested that if this happens, the subversion will cease instantly, and the damage caused by the activists will become clear. With the Tories losing trust in the civil service due to its left-wing Europhile bias, the report argues that effective governance will be impossible as long as Whitehall remains dominated by those who want the government to fail.

Tighter Welfare Claim Rules to Encourage Return to Work

Another issue addressed in the report is the increase in people claiming sickness benefits post-Covid. While some are genuinely ill, many others are believed to have taken advantage of the situation to enjoy more leisure time. Welfare Secretary Mel Stride has proposed making it harder to claim benefits in order to encourage people to return to work. This move is seen as beneficial for both individuals and the economy.

Confusion over "Queer Celebration" at Kew Gardens

The report also questions the rationale behind the "queer celebration" at Kew Gardens. It argues that most plants are non-binary, having both male and female parts, and are not a downtrodden minority like the LGBT+ community. The report suggests that the connection between plants and the LGBT+ community is unclear. Nonetheless, those interested can still visit Kew Gardens in London and perhaps encounter a fungi, girl, or both at once.

Labour's Failures in Birmingham and Wales

The report also points out the failures of the Labour Party in governing Birmingham and Wales. While Labour may criticize the Tories for their alleged failures, it was a bungling Labour council that drove Birmingham into bankruptcy. The report warns that the shambolic Labour administration in Wales should serve as a cautionary tale for those who see it as a blueprint for a Starmer Government. In power, Labour has a track record of running out of other people's money.